Shafaq News/ Judicial authorities in the Kurdistan Region extradited nearly 300 wanted persons to the federal judicial authorities, according to the Judicial Supervisory Authority of the Supreme Judicial Council.

In a statement to the Iraqi Official News Agency, the chair of the Authority, Judge Muslim Madb, said, "Kurdistan's Judicial Council extradited a group of accusees wanted by the Supreme Judicial Council and the Federal Iraqi Courts for various charges mostly pursuant to Article 4/Terrorism no.13 of 2005."

"A first group included 90 accusees was extradited in 2018. 35 accusees in 2019, and 176 in 2020," he added.

"The Supreme Judicial Council issued Judicial Order No. (283/S/A) on 26/11/2018 based on what the Council decided in its eleventh session held on 16/9/2018. The order stipulated forming a judicial committee in which the Supreme Judicial Council and the Regional Judicial Council are both represented to execute the rulings issued by various Iraqi courts, find solutions to the problems of issuing and implementing arrest warrants, hand over suspects, and transfer cases and judicial problems related to the work of the courts."

"This committee consists of the head of the Judicial Supervisory Authority, the head of the Nineveh Federal Court of Appeal, the head of the Kirkuk Federal Court of Appeal, the head of the Duhok Court of Appeal, the head of the Erbil Court of Appeal, and the head of al-Sulaymaniyah Court of Appeal, where it meets at the headquarters of the Supreme Judicial Council in Baghdad or one of the governorates of the Kurdistan Region when needed."