Shafaq News / The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) warned of marginalizing the Kurds and foisting wills in the Federal Supreme Court bill.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party blocs said in a letter addressed to the Iraqi Presidency that a historical and national Iraqi position must be taken through three points.

The KDP demanded adopting partnership, balance, and consensus in approving the Federal Supreme Court law's amendment, stressing the importance of enhancing trust between the political parties.

Furthermore, the KDP's message stated that the Kurds are a true partner in this ancient country, and recent history confirms that they were the cause of national stability and it is not permissible to marginalize them because it undoubtedly does not serve the Iraqi interest.

"We remind our partners in the country that peaceful coexistence is one of the foundations of the constitution", the message explained. 

 Moreover, the message added, "We demand to secure our rights, and forming the court based on the consensus of the judiciary."

The party called on all parties, "to establish and consolidate legal and constitutional security to strengthen the Iraqi citizens' coexistence."