Shafaq News/ The Coordination Framework shall offer assurances to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to form a new government in Iraq, lawmaker Majed Shingali said on Monday.

Earlier, the Shiite forces consortium expressed willingness to form "a national Service Government" that respects the principles of "Balance, Consensus, and Partnership" the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani has been lobbying for. 

"Previously, the forces under the umbrella of this framework have pledged to realize those demands, but they did not," Shingali said.

"Things have changed this time, however. The Coordination Framework must recognize those demands; otherwise, it cannot muster enough backing for the government."

"In case it managed to form a new government, it would not succeed under those circumstances. The Coordination Framework is forced to deal with a limited set of partners this time; not to mention the disagreements complicating the process of the government's formation itself."

"The differences between Baghdad and Erbil are not in the interest of any of the parties. Resolving those issues is crucial for finding common ground from which building a sustainable relation is possible."

"Time is not on anyone's side. The talks shall be resumed as soon as al-Adha holidays end to finalize the strategies upon which a president and premier will be selected."