Shafaq News/ The Iraqi western and northern governorates were shrouded in thick brown dust due to strong winds.

In the city of Tikrit, the center of Saladin Governorate, the storms caused severe damage. The mayor, Omar al-Shindah, told Shafaq News Agency, "Many power towers inside and outside the city have fallen, cars and public and private property were also damaged."

"The storms cut electrical wires, and a large fire erupted in six food stores in Tikrit." He added.

The Directorate of Civil Defense controlled a fire that broke out in the Tikrit commercial market without Causing casualties, noting that an investigation was opened to find out the causes.

Yesterday, dust storms in Saladin destroyed a checkpoint for Iraqi forces north of Tikrit to Baiji district.

Heavy sandstorms also hit the governorates of Babel and Kirkuk.

A health source revealed to our Agency, "The dust storm that hits Kirkuk caused 150 new suffocation cases, totaling 400 cases."

He added that 622 injured people were admitted to the hospital.

Similarly, a health source in Babel Governorate said that suffocation cases have reached 92."

Meanwhile, Al-Sulaymaniyah Traffic Department issued a warning to vehicle drivers due to the storms.

A dust storm, also called a sandstorm, is a meteorological phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions. Dust storms arise when a gust front or other strong wind blows loose sand and dirt from a dry surface.