Shafaq News / Iraq’ Foreign Minister, Fouad Hussein announced, on Monday, that Iraq asked Iran to intervene to prevent  targeting the Green Zone, indicating that Washington may take strict measures to deal with attacks on its embassy.

“The rockets attacks on the Green Zone embarrass the Iraqi government, which is working with diplomatic missions to stop them and provide the necessary protection.” He added, in an interview with Al-Arabiya TV.

Hussein revealed that the Iraqi forces have arrested multiple perpetrators of the attacks on the Green Zone, and that the Government is working to prevent the use of illegal weapons before the upcoming elections.

He also pointed out that Iraq needs the US-Led coalition to confront ISIS, as well as training the security forces, confirming that the terrorist organization still has remnants on the border areas with Syria.

The foreign minister rejected foreign interference in his country's internal affairs, stressing that the tension between Washington and Iran negatively affects the Iraqi arena.

Regarding the relationship with Saudi Arabia, Hussein said the two countries achieve noticeable progress on many files.

On the US-Iraqi relations he said,” Iraq looks forward to working with President Joe Biden's administration”