Shafaq News / Former Minister of Transport, Kadhim Funjan Al-Hamami, demanded today, Monday, government agencies to bring up the issue of searching for 15 missing aircraft, 50 missing ships, and $ 30 billion lost, with several embassies.

Al-Hamami, who is a current member of Parliament, through a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, addressed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with official correspondence that included his request to reach the Chinese embassy to investigate the true nature of the fifteen free airplanes that Judge Wael Abdel-Latif mentioned in an interview.

Al-Hamami also demanded to contact the Spanish embassy to investigate the truth about the fifty free ships that Ali Fadel talked about and claimed that the Funjan rejected it.

Funjan asked, for the third time, to contact the Egyptian embassy to investigate the "lie" that claimed that Funjan owns thirty billion dollars in the Arab Republic of Egypt.