Shafaq News / Iraqi President, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, emphasized the necessity of activating bilateral relations with Armenia and monitoring the outcomes of recent meetings of the joint committee held in Baghdad. He stressed the importance of trade exchange, cooperation in tourism and environmental sectors, and highlighted Iraqis' sympathy towards the massacres committed against Armenians.

As per the presidential media office, Rashid and Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan chaired an extensive meeting involving government delegations at the presidential palace in the Armenian capital, Yerevan. The meeting discussed the nature of Iraq-Armenia relations, ways to enhance them, and deliberated on global developments.

President Rashid highlighted the significance of activating bilateral engagements, enhancing technological cooperation, digitalizing the economy, services, and governance. He underlined Iraq's present security, political, and economic stability, as a fertile ground for investment in various fields, particularly infrastructure development. Moreover, he welcomed Armenian companies' participation in developmental projects across multiple sectors.

Rashid emphasized the valuable presence of the Armenian component within Iraq, considering them an integral part of Iraqi identity, fostering deeper ties between both nations. He also mentioned the historical presence of Armenians since the Babylonian era and their significant contributions to Iraq's construction and sacrifices made for it.

Furthermore, Rashid emphasized Iraqi solidarity and shared the pain of massacres endured by Armenians, noting Iraq's similar suffering during the dictatorship eras, referencing the Halabja, Anfal campaigns, and the atrocities by ISIS.

The meeting discussed cooperation in investment, energy, technology, facilitating the entry of companies and businessmen, as well as supporting the tourism sector. They stressed the importance of joint efforts against international terrorism in all its forms and the necessity of establishing a comprehensive, equitable international system in line with the principles and goals of the United Nations Charter, aiming for peace, democracy, and the prosperity of peoples and ethnic and religious groups.

On his part, President Khachaturyan expressed pride in the Iraqi President's visit to Armenia, anticipating its positive impact on bilateral relations, being the first of its kind by an Iraqi President. He praised Iraq's pivotal role in promoting stability in the Middle East, supporting peaceful solutions to global crises and issues.