Shafaq News/ During the Sixth Baghdad International Dialogue Conference on Saturday, President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid highlighted Iraq's commitment to regional understanding and coexistence. He emphasized Iraq's role in fostering a supportive atmosphere for dialogue between neighboring countries, specifically citing the dialogue between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

In March 2023, Iraq played a crucial role in facilitating the resumption of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which had been severed in 2016. Secret dialogues hosted by Baghdad, spanning months, contributed to the breakthrough, along with an initiative by the Chinese President.

President Rashid stated that Iraq's “post-dictatorship policy focuses on being an active party for regional understanding, constructive cooperation, and supporting dialogue values. He highlighted the importance of strengthening principles of constructive and productive dialogue in the region,” expressing the need for cooperation to create a vibrant and integrated regional environment.

The President acknowledged that past decades witnessed the “wastage of valuable resources and opportunities due to wars, violence, and terrorism, hindering progress and cooperation in the region.”

Concerning regional stability, President Rashid asserted that “true stability cannot be achieved without addressing the Palestinian issue comprehensively.” He called for the international community to “exert genuine and effective efforts to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and ensure their legitimate right to a state and national territory.”