Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani instructed on Sunday the activation of the 'Speicher Massacre' Victims Rights Law which was passed by the parliament nearly four years ago.

In a statement from his media office, al-Sudani received members of the Speicher Massacre Victims' Organization today, listening to their needs and requests regarding the victims' families. He also ordered the provision of a detailed report on land recipients, beneficiaries of housing grant, and the grant for burial procedures of the martyrs.

According to the statement, he directed ''the full implementation of the aforementioned law, which was approved by the parliament in 2019, ensuring the realization of all its legal articles and provisions as a tribute to the martyrs and as a means of justice for their families.''

He further instructed his office to provide a letter to all ministries, in cooperation with the organization, to facilitate all administrative matters impeding their work.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister emphasized that ''the Speicher Massacre remains a testament to the brutality of terrorists who surpassed all ethical norms, conventions, and boundaries.''

He highlighted that the blood of the martyrs was not shed in vain and that ''their noble sacrifice paved the way for the security and sustainable stability that Iraq has today.''