Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment warned today, Saturday, of "stricter" preventive measures, including re-imposing a curfew to suppress the growing caseload.

The ministry's spokesman, Saif Al-Badr, told Shafaq News, "if the Coronavirus registered case counts continue to increase on a daily basis, and citizens do not adhere to the preventive and health measures, the Iraqi Ministry of Health will recommend taking stricter measures to the Supreme Committee for National Health and Safety."

He indicated, "we might impose a curfew and other measures according to epidemiological developments," stressing, "the final decision is prerogative to the National Health and Safety Committee, which is a federal committee headed by Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi."

Earlier this week, the Iraqi Ministry of Health issued a warning of Complacency towards COVID-19 preventive measures, as the caseload is gradually escalating in the country, which might prompt the government to re-apply strict measures such as a complete ban and a comprehensive curfew.