Shafaq News / The independent parliamentarian, Hadi Al-Salami, revealed on Sunday the initiation of collecting signatures from members of the Council of Representatives as a prelude to interrogating Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani regarding unofficial border crossings in Iraq.

Al-Salami told Shafaq News Agency, "Based on the authorities granted to us and according to the internal regulations of the Council of Representatives, we have collected 29 signatures for the interrogation of Al Sudani. The request for interrogation will be submitted to the Council's presidency, supported by the reasons for the interrogation."

He added, "The interrogation of Al Sudani in parliament is due to the non-implementation of some federal laws, especially concerning border crossings, and the financial corruption suspicions and the unofficial entry of goods and drugs into the country."

Previously, MP Al-Salami had directed a parliamentary question to the Border Crossings Authority at the beginning of August, inquiring about the number and nature of border crossings.

The Border Crossings Authority responded by stating that there are officially 22 border crossings in the federal governorates, along with seven unofficial border crossings and 20 unofficial border crossings in the Kurdistan Region (KRI).