Shafaq News/ Iraqi security forces launched on Tuesday a security operation to pursue ISIS terrorists in the west of Iraq near the borders with Saudi Arabia; The operation is the first of its kind since ousting the terrorist organization in 2016. 

The Deputy Commissioner of the Rutba district in  al-Anbar Governorate, Imad al-Dulaimi, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the Counter-Terrorism-Services (CTS), in cooperation with the Iraqi army's fifth Infantry division, initiated today a security operation to track the operatives of the ISIS terrorist organization in the desert areas of the Rutba district and secure the border areas with Kingdom Saudi Arabia."

"The operation is the first of its kind for the Counter-Terrorism-Services since liberating al-Rutba from ISIS in 2016," he noted, "it comes after ISIS's recurrent security breaches in the desert areas of al-Rutba."

"A security check was run to the locals residing near the desert areas. They were also instructed to cooperate with the authorities in case they suspect any security breach in the district."

"The security situation in al-Rutba is no different from any other city in the country, particularly the cities in close contact with ISIS," the Deputy Commissioner elaborated, "the organization attacks the security vulnerable territories wherever they existed."

Al-Dulaimi demanded stepping up aerial reconnaissance operations in the district and deploying another emergency police regiment to secure the army's area of operations if the latter relocates in the desert to take down ISIS groups. 

"Security forces in the district still need further logistic support, including towers, thermographic surveillance cameras, and drones."