Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Iraqi Foreign Ministry welcomed the United Nations General Assembly's resolution, affirming Palestine's eligibility for full membership in the United Nations.

Based on Article 4 of the UN Charter, the new decision grants Palestine additional rights and benefits.

In a statement, the Ministry welcomed the UN General Assembly's resolution recommending a review of Palestine's UN membership status. It emphasized its "support for international efforts to secure full UN membership for Palestine."

"The support of 143 members compared to the objection of nine members and the abstention of 25 from voting demonstrates the strong international support for the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights and enhances the privileges of the State of Palestine worldwide, given the historical significance of the decision, which is a first step towards reclaiming full Palestinian rights and contributes to achieving peace in the region." The Ministry added.

The statement also pointed out the "historical importance" of the resolution, characterizing it as "a crucial first step towards reclaiming full Palestinian rights."

On Friday, the UN General Assembly convened in New York for an emergency special session on the Gaza crisis and overwhelmingly passed a resolution that upgrades Palestine's rights at the world body as an Observer State, without offering full membership. It urged the Security Council to consider Palestine's request " favorably.

The recent adoption will upgrade the rights of the State of Palestine within the international body. However, this resolution does not grant Palestine the right to vote or nominate candidates for organs such as the Security Council or the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

Achieving full Palestinian membership in the UN requires a recommendation from the Security Council. Although the General Assembly determines that Palestine meets the criteria for such status, it can only recommend that the Security Council "reconsider the matter favorably."