Shafaq News/ An Iraqi government source revealed on Sunday that the Iraqi government formed a committee to study a US-funded project to build a "concrete Wall" on the borders with Syria.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, "the federal government chose Al-Qa'im west of Al-Anbar governorate as the location to build the wall. The project will be funded by the US, with a total amount of 17 million dollars."

The source added that this project aims to stop the movement of terrorist and armed groups between Iraq and Syria.

Al-Anbar Governorate is the largest governorate in Iraq by area, encompassing much of the country's western territory, it shares borders with Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. ISIS operatives are still active in the governorate, especially in the western governorates (Al-Qa'im, Haditha, Anah, Rawa, Albaghdadi, Rutba, and Hit).