Shafaq News / The Federal Supreme Court, Iraq's highest judicial authority, highlighted on Thursday the imperative to safeguard public funds for all citizens and stressed its responsibility in this regard.

The Federal Supreme Court stated that it issued a unanimous ruling during a public session, rejecting the constitutional challenge to Article (19/IV) of the Integrity Commission Law, as amended by Law No. 30 of 2017.

This contested article specifies that "the court is entrusted with the restitution of illicitly acquired assets, and the release of convicted individuals under the second and third clauses of this article is contingent upon the payment of fines and the restitution of ill-gotten gains. The statute of limitations in criminal cases does not impede the enforcement of judgments for the return of ill-gotten gains."

The court further elaborated that this legislative option, granted to the parliament per its constitutional authority to enact federal laws, primarily serves organizational and procedural purposes with the overarching objective of safeguarding public funds. This aligns with Article (27/I) of the constitution, which firmly emphasizes the inviolability of public funds and the responsibility of every citizen to protect them.