Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Commission of Integrity announced, on Friday, a verdict in absentia against an official in Baghdad governorate in connection with receiving bribes.

The Commission's Media and Communications Office reported, "The federal Anti-Corruption Criminal Court handed down an in absentia verdict sentencing the former office manager of the Governor of Baghdad to three years in prison."

The office specified that "the verdict was issued due to the receipt of financial amounts from one of the accused, who is detained pending the case, in return for referring projects to two companies owned by him."

Furthermore, the court issued a verdict against a contractor, sentencing him to two years due to providing financial amounts to a detained accused person in exchange for steering projects to companies owned by him.

The office elaborated that "after examining the evidence and proofs in the two cases, the court was fully convinced of the guilt of the accused and decided to convict them. The first was sentenced to three years in prison, and the second to two years, with both verdicts also including a monetary fine of ten million dinars each."

Notably, in 2023, the Federal Integrity Commission announced the successful recovery of 775 million dinars, representing the bribe received by the detained accused, the former office manager of the Governor of Baghdad, from a foreign company in exchange for steering project contracts to companies.

It Is noteworthy that financial corruption remains a significant challenge in Iraq, with Transparency International ranking the country 154 out of 180 in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

Various forms of corruption, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and influence peddling, have a detrimental impact on the Iraqi economy, leading to a lack of basic services, increased poverty, and political instability.

Over the years, the pervasive corruption within the Iraqi state has resulted in the misappropriation of untold billions from its oil wealth.

After assuming his position, PM Al-Sudani pledged to "combat corruption" in government institutions; so far, many officials have been referred to the judiciary, but political and sectarian parties still protect many others.