Shafaq News/ The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, on Tuesday said she would apprise the UN Security Council of the Iraqi government's earnest commitment to mitigating the impacts of climate change and the associated risks to national and food security.

Plasschaert's remarks came during a press conference that followed a meeting with Iraqi Environment Minister Nizar Amedi, in Baghdad earlier today.

During the press conference, Amedi emphasized the Iraqi government's determination to strengthen collaboration and coordination with the international mission and the global community to implement measures aimed at tackling the repercussions of climate change.

The minister highlighted the government's plans to ensure effective and significant participation in the forthcoming Climate Change Conference in Dubai (COP28) by establishing a ministerial and technical negotiating delegation, in conjunction with other ministries, government agencies, and international and local organizations.

Amedi drew attention to the government's resolution to utilize the upcoming agricultural year as a turning point in the prudent management of water resources.

"This would involve the adoption of advanced irrigation methods and the use of water-efficient, high-yielding seeds and crops," he said, "a nationwide awareness campaign will be spearheaded by the Environmental Awareness and Information Department and the Climate Change Directorate."

"This campaign will organize workshops and seminars led by the Ministry's Technical Agent, Dr. Jasim al-Falahi, and will engage public and private sectors, as well as civil society organizations," he continued, "the findings and recommendations of the Iraq Climate Conference held in Basra in March will be incorporated into this campaign."

Hennis-Plasschaert, the UN Envoy in Iraq, said she will bring up Iraq's unique susceptibility to climate change, drought, and the associated risks to national security and food security in its upcoming briefing before the UN Security Council.

UNAMI chief shed light on the implications for rising unemployment rates and the risk to social peace engendering from this issue and called for bolstering government and international efforts to support Iraq across all domains.

The Dutch diplomat deemed those efforts essential for overcoming the current challenges and pushing forward the reconstruction and infrastructure development.

Hennis-Plasschaert lauded the substantial advancement the ministry has achieved and its new vision for handling critical issues, and the important amendment to the technical structure.