Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the shooting incident at the headquarters of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the city of La Hague in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 

Ahmad al-Sahaf, the Ministry's spokesman, said, "The ministry condemns this terrorist attack. For such incidents, Iraq has launched a fierce war against terrorism and extremism, and achieved a historic victory. We calls on all the countries and organizations to stand seriously and firmly against this global terrorist threat and eradicate it to achieve security and peace that nations seek."

 He added, "Iraq declares its complete support with everything that might curb the threat of terrorism and eliminate its cells and its sources."

 Earlier today, Thursday, the Dutch police said that a shooting incident targeting the Saudi embassy in La Hague. The incident according to police reports caused no human injuries.

 The shooting comes only a day after an "attack" took place during an event attended by the French Consul in KSA in a non-Muslim cemetery in the eastern province of Jeddah. The incident resulted in two light injuries.