Shafaq News/ More than four million foreign pilgrims are expected to participate in the upcoming Arbaeen succession in the holy city of Karbala this year, Interior Minister Abdul-Amir al-Shammari said on Sunday.

Al-Shammari's remarks came during a high-level meeting at the ministry headquarters attended by the Deputy Chief of Joint Operations, members of the security and service committee, and a group of field commanders.

The meeting, according to an official readout, touched on ongoing preparations to ensure security for the large crowds anticipated during the massive annual event.

"The Arbaeen pilgrimage holds immense significance," the minister said in the readout released by the Interior Ministry. "It draws millions of participants from within Iraq and abroad, making it one of the most important gatherings in the Islamic world. We are closely monitoring preparations."

"Nearly five million pilgrims came from outside Iraq in 2023. We anticipate this number to climb further," he explained. "To ensure the success of this occasion, we must step up preparations and planning from now on. This includes securing all security, service needs, and land border crossings."

Al-Shammari said the ministry will devise a plan for traffic control as vehicle accidents were a" recurring challenge" during the Arbaeen over the past few years. He instructed the Traffic Directorate to implement the necessary measures that ensure the safety of routes leading to Karbala and other holy cities.

The minister announced that the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani, to establish a new seaport route for pilgrims. "This route will connect the Iranian city of Khorramshahr to Abu Flous Port in Basra Governorate, facilitating travel for those arriving by water," he added.

The readout indicated that the Ministry is pushing for a "collaborative action plan" because the country will be receiving visitors via various entry points. "We must dedicate all available resources to ensure a smooth experience for the pilgrims," said.

The Arbaeen pilgrimage commemorates the death of the third Imam in the Shiite doctrine, Hussein bin Ali, along with his family and companions, 40 days after the day of Ashura. The Battle of Karbala, where these events unfolded, occurred in 61 AH (680 AD) under the rule of the Umayyad Caliph Yazid bin Muawiyah.