Shafaq News / Iraq’ Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi stressed Iraq's need to follow "the values of Muhammad, the Messenger of Islam.” 

Al-Kadhimi said on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) birthday occasion, “I am honored to participate in this celebration, raising our people, our nation and humanity the highest blessings in the birth of the Messenger of God Muhammad.”

"Mohammad, the messenger of humanity was a man of reason, wisdom and patience; he transferred millions of people from cruelty to mercy, from injustice to justice, and from chaos to a values and freedom-centered system."

He added, "Today we are in dire need of those human values far of extremism that some related unfairly to Islam."

The PM stressed "Iraq needs us (citizens) to perform these high values, so that together, we can overcome social, economic and political crises."

"After all the suffering and sacrifices, our people deserve to live a decent life, and it is our duty to insure it."

He pointed out that "Islam is a call to hope. It started with one man and spread to all humanity."

The birthday of Prophet Muhammad, also known as Mawlid, is being celebrated across the world.

 In some Muslim countries, the day is a public holiday.