Shafaq News/ The election offices in Diyala and Saladin announced receiving complaints and appeals about the electoral process and its results.

 Director of Diyala Electoral Office Ali Karim told Shafaq News Agency, "We received ten complaints about the voting process, and 20 appeals of the election results, which are being resolved."

 He added that "the votes in 50 polling stations have not been counted so far” 

 In Saladin, the elections process and results did not differ from Diyala’s, with complaints and appeals about the announced results, according to the director of the governorate's electoral office Hamid al-Ghannam.

 Al-Ghannam confirmed to Shafaq News Agency, "Received ten complaints that were referred to the National Office of the Commission while the Commission's cadres continued their work in counting, and preparing data."

 Al-Ghannam pointed out that there are more appeals and objections, but the elections results were conducted professionally without any significant problems.