Shafaq News/ The Iraq Economic Contact Group (IECG) complimented Iraq on the successful holding and conclusion of the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership on 28 August 2021, which brought together Iraq and its neighbors.  

In a press release issued earlier today, Saturday, "the IECG fully supports Iraq's vision for increased cooperation and balanced relations with all its neighbors based on sovereignty and mutual interests."

"In this context, the IECG also applauds the commitment of the Government of Iraq to structural economic reforms and regional market integration," it explained, "the continued commitment of all stakeholders to the implementation of these reforms will be crucial for the progress and prosperity of Iraq and the stability of the entire region."

"The Group commends the Government of Iraq for its actions to address several immediate and longer- term fiscal and economic challenges, including the ambitious economic reform agenda set out in the 'White Paper' and the managed devaluation of the Iraqi dinar."

"We concur with the Government that this is the beginning of a path to be pursued with firm detection to address critical infrastructure gaps, galvanize private sector growth, mitigate climate impacts, create jobs and protect the most vulnerable."

"As partners and friends of Iraq, we stand behind the Government's vision for refom and the creation of lasting economic opportunities for Iraq's people that meet their aspirations," the IECG concluded.

The Iraq Economic Contact Group (IECG) launched by the G7, European Union, and World Bank on 22 October 2020 is a london-basee international coalition that supports the Government of Iraq's efforts to drive the implementation of crucial economic reforms.