Shafaq News / Judge Haider Hanoun, the head of the Federal Integrity Commission, emphasized on Thursday that one of the most serious aspects of corruption lies in its penetration within military and security institutions.

According to a statement from the Integrity Commission, Hanoun received Major General Kareem Al-Tamimi, the head of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, at the commission's headquarters.

During the meeting, Hanoun stressed the importance of concerted efforts by all state institutions to confront and combat the dangers of corruption. He cautioned against the severe implications of corruption infiltrating military and security establishments.

He highlighted the importance of nurturing a sense of national duty among fighters and security personnel, asserting that this would strengthen their determination in fighting Iraq's enemies, both terrorists and corrupt individuals.

In response, Al-Tamimi affirmed his commitment to align the bureau's efforts with the Federal Integrity Commission to prevent and combat corruption, and highlighted the bureau's dedication to preventing the infiltration of non-professional standards, such as favoritism and nepotism, in recent appointments. He emphasized the bureau's commitment to prioritizing integrity and loyalty to the nation.

The Commission pledged cooperation with the bureau to ensure the integrity of projects and contracts, ensuring their transparency and freedom from any suspicions of corruption.