Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, highlighted on Saturday the efforts exerted by his government to make Iraq into an attractive prospect for German companies, while the German ambassador to Iraq reaffirmed his government's support to Iraq in its current challenges.

In a statement published today after his meeting with the German ambassador to Iraq Ole Diehl on the occasion of the end of his service, al-Kadhimi declared that Iraq aspires to more constructive cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany and other nations from the European Union, which would serve the interests of both the people of Iraq and Germany. He also congratulated Diehl on a successful service in Iraq. 

Al-Kadhimi hoped for the continuation of the good bilateral relations between Baghdad and Berlin in several areas, including economy, politics, and culture, with a special focus on the work of German companies and their investments in Iraq. He added that the government aspires to make Iraq into an attractive prospect for foreign investments through the amelioration of the investment environment and the promotion of security; this should consequently lead to development and the amelioration of the living conditions of the Iraqi people.

Diehl, in turn, expressed the aspiration of the German government to develop relationships with Iraq in a way that would serve common interests and reiterated Germany's support for Iraq in facing current challenges, the most important of which being economic reforms and the war against terrorism.