Shafaq News / Tahrir Square in Baghdad witnessed a clash between security forces and protesters attempting to descend onto the streets on Sunday.

A correspondent from Shafaq News Agency reported that the demonstrators sought to leave Al-Umma Park, where they had gathered, and march onto the streets to continue commemorating the fourth anniversary of the October protests. However, security forces prevented them from doing so.

The confrontation did not result in any injuries among the ranks of the security forces or the protesters, as some of the demonstrators took the initiative to de-escalate the situation and keep the protesters within Al-Umma Park. 

Video footage circulating online showed protesters leaving Al-Umma Park and moving towards the center of Tahrir Square, heading towards the Turkish restaurant building as their numbers increased during the afternoon. Social media platforms also shared video clips documenting the clashes between protesters and security forces.

Earlier in the day, approximately 100 people gathered in Tahrir Square, a symbolic location for the protesters, as it was the epicenter of the October 2019 demonstrations. Security forces managed to gather the protesters in Al-Umma Park to prevent the street from being blocked, ensuring the smooth flow of traffic and movement.