Shafaq News/ Skirmishes erupted between the demonstrators and law enforcement forces in al-Tahrir Square in Baghdad's downtown, and scores were injured from both sides.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that the law enforcement forces tried to confine the demonstrators in the Bab Sharqi area near al-Tahrir Square, the center of demonstrations. In response, the demonstrators threw rocks towards them.

Our correspondent said that security forces responded by lodging smoke and stun grenades and dispersed the demonstrators heading towards al-Tahrir Square from al-Tayaran Square.

The skirmishes resulted in injuring three security officers and two demonstrators, he added.

Earlier, Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported that security reinforcements had arrived in al-Tahrir Square in Baghdad. At the same time, law enforcement forces surrounded the demonstrators and prevented them from reaching the al-Jumhuriyah Bridge.

Our reporter stated that the law enforcement surrounded the demonstrators to keep them away from al-Jumhuriyah brudge and al-Tahrir Square.

A security source told Shafaq News agency that after blocking Al-Jumhuriyah Bridge and Al-Sinak area in the center of Baghdad, the security forces blocked Al-Tayaran Square, which leads to al-Tahrir Square, the stronghold of the demonstrators since October 2019.

Demonstrations in Baghdad, which began today morning, are taking place in al-Tahrir and Al-Nisoor squares.

Activists told Shafaq News agency that the first group organized a sit-in in al-Nisour Square, while the second group demonstrated in al-Tahrir square.

Meanwhile, the demonstrations' leaders are pushing to unify the protests in al-Nisour Square near the Green Zone and the diplomatic missions' headquarters to pressure the concerned authorities to meet the protests' demands.

Massive demonstrations began today in Baghdad and are still ongoing under the slogan "Who killed me?" To demand identifying the protestors and activists' killers.

Shafaq News Agency's lens documented the demonstrations in al-Tahrir, Al-Nisour, and Al-Firdaws squares in Baghdad amid heavy security deployment.