Shafaq News / the Iraqi political blocs intentionally obstruct the election law legislation. Riyadh Al-Masoudi, a deputy for the "Saairun" coalition supported by Muqtada Al-Sadr said on Wednesday.

"The multiple proposals submitted by the political blocs inhibit the Parliamentary Legal Committee of approving the last copy, since there are deep differences about the electoral districts.” Al-Masoudi said to Shafaq news agency.

Parliament voted earlier on the legal committee’s proposal on multiple districts, which stipulates that the number of electoral districts in each governorate should be equal to the number of seats allocated to the women's quota.

The proposal has been objected by some political blocs including Al-Fatah led by Hadi Al-Amiri, the State of Law coalition led by Nuri Al-Maliki, the Kurdistan Islamic Union deputies, the new generation, and some Nineveh MPs.

The distribution of the electoral districts for the upcoming early parliamentary elections (next June 2021) represents a major disagreement among political parties.