Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, a Diyala Governorate Council member from the Sovereignty bloc announced a meeting in Baghdad to address the local council formation crisis.

Council member Fares Muzahim told Shafaq News Agency, "A session is planned for this evening at the Al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad to establish the local government for Diyala Governorate."

"Today’s session is crucial to ending the governorate's seven-month crisis," Muzahim believed.

It is noteworthy that the Diyala Provincial Council is experiencing a political blockage that has stalled the formation of the local government. Despite multiple sessions to select the governor, council head, and deputies, no progress has been made. Political blocs have failed to reach an agreement, leaving the situation unresolved even seven months after the December 2023 provincial council elections. Meanwhile, other governorates have successfully formed their governments, with Diyala and Kirkuk being the exceptions.