Shafaq News/ The Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah, lamented the "centralist dictator attitude" seeking to "marginalize and ostracize" other players in Iraq's politics.

Abdullah's remarks came in a statement he released on the anniversary of ousting the Baathist regime on April 9, 2003.

The lawmaker admonished the parties that "failed in running the state and did not implement the constitution."

"Federalism has not been implemented until the moment. It is a guarantee of Iraq's unity and stability. More than 50 articles of the constitution have been violated, faltering our political system and creating crisis."

"This dictatorial mentality composes a peril to the country's future," he said.

Abdullah called for "invoking the constitution to address political disputes and disagreements and build a state of citizenship, impose the law, and bolster the foundations of democracy."