Shafaq News/ The Coordination Framework might proceed with forming a government in the next meeting of the Iraqi parliament regardless of whether or not maverick Shiite clergyman Muqtada al-Sadr agrees, sources said on Saturday.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the parliament's meeting on Monday might end up naming a prime minister and a president of the republic.

"The Coordination Framework has an offer on the table. Al-Sadr can have six ministers in the next cabinet. However, they will proceed whether he accepts or not," another source said.

Earlier on Saturday, the newly formed "State Administration Coalition" -an amalgam of Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish forces- held a key meeting on Saturday to decide the next step toward forming a government.

"The meeting considered dispatching a delegation to al-Hannana, the headquarters of the Sadrist movement's leader, to discuss the next government's mission and characteristics," a source said.