Shafaq News / The Coordination Framework discussed in a meeting today the latest political developments in the country.

The Framework said in a statement that the dollar's exchange rate against the Dinar must be reconsidered, and its bad impact must be contained. 

The Framework refused, according to the statement, controlling the Legislative and executive authorities through the Parliament to serve personal political interests.

"We follow up, with great concern, the news about threats that politicians are receiving, which are, of true, condemned and refused", the statement said, noting that all efforts must be put to verify whether these claims are true or not and hold accountable those who are responsible of them.

The head of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, arrived earlier today in Baghdad. 

Sources close to al-Sadr told Shafaq News agency that he headed from al-Hannana to Baghdad in an unannounced visit. 

The visit comes amid talks about an expected meeting that will bring together the Sadrist movement, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and al-Siyada coalition.