Shafaq News / The Coordination Framework confirmed on Monday that talks with the Kurdish parties are ongoing to nominate a candidate for the Presidency of the country.

MP of the Framework, Amer al-Fayez, told Shafaq News agency that the CF "encourages our Kurdish brothers to agree on a candidate for the Presidency of the country without any interference from the Framework."

He added that if the Kurds do not agree on a candidate, the Parliament will take the decision as it did back in 2018.

The Parliament will hold the Presidential election session after Eid al-Adha holiday, and negotiations are ongoing to choose a nominee who is agreed upon by all the political parties, al-Fayez noted.

The leader of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, headed yesterday, Sunday, a meeting of the State of Law coalition Parliamentary bloc.

A statement by al-Maliki's office said that the meeting discussed the latest political developments in the country, and stressed the need to form a new government as soon as possible.

Al-Maliki confirmed, according to the statement, that negotiations between the Coordination Framework and its allies and other political parties are ongoing, in order to address the current political impasse.

The head of the coalition confirmed that the Framework has formed committees to lead the talks with other political parties, hoping that their efforts will contribute to forming a new government after Eid al-Adha holiday.

On June 30, a reliable source revealed that the Coordination Framework has established three committees to oversee the process of forming the new government.