Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani elucidated the purpose of his visit to the German capital, highlighting the country's keen interest in its relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. He also affirmed that the Kurdistan Democratic Party's relationship with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan "is not bad."

Speaking to the media after his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Barzani stated, "Our visit to Berlin was in response to an invitation from the German Chancellor. We had a good meeting this evening, where we discussed matters of mutual interest between the Kurdistan Region and Germany, as well as Iraq's relations with Germany."

He further explained, "What we perceive is that Berlin and the Chancellor have great interest in developing these relationships with Iraq and within the framework of Iraq with the Kurdistan Region."

The topics of mutual interest were extensively deliberated during the meeting, with discussions focused on enhancing relations and progressing in economic and political aspects," he added. Barzani also extended an invitation to the German Chancellor to visit Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, noting that, as observed, they truly prioritize their relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

Regarding the level of support from the federal government for the Kurdistan Region's relations with other countries, Barzani affirmed that his visit to Berlin was coordinated with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani.

"In all the meetings we held today, our ambassador was with us, participating in every encounter alongside us. We spoke as a united team. In fact, I haven't seen Baghdad creating any problems for these Kurdistan Region meetings with any party," Barzani replied when asked about the situation of the Kurdistan Region and talks about Baghdad's efforts to diminish its standing.

The President added, "The relations between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Kurdistan Democratic Party are not good, but they are not extremely bad either."

He further elaborated, "Today, while we are here, a meeting was held between the Patriotic Union and the Democratic Party, and we hope these meetings continue so that we can reach a result." Emphasizing the significance of unity, he remarked, "Undoubtedly, being together enhances the status of the Kurdistan Region abroad, as well as in Iraq and Baghdad. All efforts are directed towards reaching an understanding with the Patriotic Union."

Regarding the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, Barzani stated, "This matter is related to Baghdad on one side and Turkey on the other. Unfortunately, as we have witnessed so far, the steps that should be taken by Baghdad to resume oil exports have not been taken yet."