Shafaq News / President Abdullatif Rashid and Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani affirmed the need to resolve outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad, highlighting the importance of disbursing the financial entitlements to the region according to the budget.

A statement from the regional presidency outlined the meeting between President Barzani and Iraq's President Rashid in Baghdad. Discussions included political and security conditions in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, relations between Erbil and Baghdad, negotiations to address issues, and the latest developments in the region and their impact.

Both leaders stressed the necessity of resolving issues between Erbil and Baghdad based on the constitution, disbursing financial entitlements and budget allocations to the Kurdistan Region, and continuing the dialogue between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi government.

They also agreed not to intertwine the people of the Kurdistan Region with political matters.

Regarding regional conflicts, the leaders emphasized Iraq's non-involvement in regional conflicts, urging all parties to protect the country's highest interests, peace, stability, and to avoid any chaos or complications.

The presidency of Iraq also issued a statement on the meeting, emphasizing the importance of enhancing security and stability, cooperation, and coordination to meet the requirements and needs of citizens, as well as improving the living and service standards.

President Rashid underscored the significance of resolving outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region in accordance with the constitution and the law.

He stressed the need to disburse the financial entitlements to the Kurdistan Region according to the approved budget and settle the issue of salaries for the region's employees.

The statement further highlighted the importance of continuing meetings and consultations between the two sides regarding matters of mutual interest and unifying efforts among political forces to support the government in achieving its program while preserving Iraq's sovereignty and independent decision-making.

The presidency's statement commended President Nechirvan Barzani's efforts to bring political parties closer and ensure the rights of all citizens, including those of the Kurdistan Region.