Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani and Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) Chairman Falih al-Fayyadh agreed on Sunday that drone attacks on the Peshmerga forces and the region adversely impact the peace and stability of Iraq.

The regional presidency, in a statement, announced the meeting between Kurdistan Region's President Nechirvan Barzani and PMF Chairman Falih al-Fayyadh in Baghdad.

The statement detailed that the meeting discussed the security situation in Iraq, the risks of terrorism, ISIS attacks on the armed forces, Iraqi security forces, and civilians. They also covered the latest developments in the war, conflicts, and their impact and repercussions on the region.

Both sides, according to the statement, emphasized the necessity of Iraq avoiding entanglement in the ongoing conflicts in the region. They underscored that preserving peace, stability, and the overall interests of the country should be everyone's top priority.

Furthermore, agreed that targeting the Peshmerga and drone attacks on the Kurdistan Region would harm the peace and stability of both Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. The meeting also addressed the relations between Erbil and Baghdad and Iraq's relationships with neighboring countries and the region.