Shafaq News / The Badr Organization, led by Hadi al-Amiri, announced on Sunday that one of its headquarters in the capital, Baghdad, was subjected to an armed attack by unidentified assailants. The organization called upon the security agencies to activate intelligence efforts and identify those involved.

In a statement, the organization expressed its strongest condemnation and denunciation of the act, "within the context of repeated attempts and cowardly schemes aimed at undermining the security and stability of its headquarters.

The statement condemned the attack that targeted the branch headquarters early Sunday morning, carried out by armed groups operating outside the law. It highlighted the exchange of gunfire between the assailants and the security forces, as well as the clash with the organization's youth members and guards inside the building.

"This attack is carried out by souls filled with hatred and animosity, nurtured by hostility towards this nation and homeland, devoid of any human values and principles," the statement added.

The organization, specifically the second branch in the Rusafa district, called on the security and legal authorities to activate intelligence efforts and provide protection without disrupting the security situation or targeting innocent citizens. It emphasized the importance of bringing the perpetrators to justice and taking necessary measures to serve as a deterrent to anyone who dares to attack innocent and peaceful individuals.