Shafaq News / in the 1st anniversary of October movement, Amnesty International demands from the Iraqi government the justice for hundreds of victims. 

Amnesty International said on Twitter, "a year after the demonstrations in Iraq calling for well-being and an end to corruption, dozens of brave activists are still being targeted and killed."

It also broadcast a video report entitled "A year after the protests in Iraq," during which it showed that hundreds of protesters had been killed and injured by the security forces.

it considered that "the authorities' promises to achieve justice were nothing had done yet, as the activists and demonstrators are still targeted.”

Earlier Thursday, thousands of demonstrators pour to squares in Baghdad and several governorates, to commemorate the first anniversary of the popular movement.

Last July, the government announced that about 560 protesters and security personnel had been killed in the anti-government protests, but no one has been held accountable yet.