Shafaq News/ The leader of the Salvation and Development Front, Athil Alnujaifi, praised the statements of the President of Kurdistan Region during the "Future of Iraq Conference".

Alnujaifi tweeted, "the principles announced by Barzani in his speech at the Future of Iraq Conference, which are to renounce the mentality of force and impose the will, rely on state institutions, reorganize the Iraqi federal situation and stop imposing the majority's will on minorities."

The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, had attended the "Future of Iraq Conference" held in Erbil.

In his speech during the conference, Barzani spoke about the political situation and the problems Iraq suffers from, "The main problem of Iraq, as in any multi-ethnic country and sects, lies in the power struggle. It is a natural phenomenon for the political parties to have different views and opinions, but it becomes a problem when one party wants to impose his point of view is on all other parties, or resorts to using force or punishment to resolve problems, as it always happens in Iraq."