Shafaq News / Iraq's Prime Minister-designate, Mohammed Shiya'a al-Sudani, said on Thursday that it is time to restore the state prestige and put an end to the spreading chaos.

Al-Sudani's remarks came during a speech he delivered following his designation as a new Prime Minister of Iraq.

"It is an honor to hold such a great responsibility, serving the people, performing our duties, and paying Iraq and its people's debt."

The new Prime Minister expressed readiness to cooperate with all political parties, adding, "We will not allow exclusion and marginalization. Disagreements created gaps inside state institutions, and made Iraqis miss out on many development and construction opportunities."

He said, "I announce full readiness to start a serious dialogue and a new chapter to serve our people and end its suffering", pledging to put all efforts to form a strong government."

Al-Sudani pointed out that his mission has started since the first hours of his appointment, and will be based on a clear government plan that includes economic reforms that enhance the agricultural and environmental sectors.

"Combatting corruption will be a priority", the new Prime Minister said, noting that the government work will work to address the pending differences between Baghdad and Erbil based on the Iraqi constitution.

He reiterated his will to prepare for a parliamentary election according to a transparent, just electoral law.

The new Prime Minister addressed neighboring countries saying, "Our message is a cooperation, understanding, and coordination message, based on a patriotic independent perspective that respects mutual interests and sovereignty."

"We have great challenges and concerns, but also a great determination. We will fulfill our responsibilities with a sincere patriotic spirit and clean hands", he concluded.