Shafaq News / The head of the Bayariq Al-Khair Parliamentary Bloc, Muhammad Al-Khalidi, rejected the suppression of Baghdad protestors, reminding Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi of the fate of his predecessor, Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Al-Khalidi told Shafaq News Agency, "Unfortunately, the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi followed the approach of its predecessor, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and inherited from it the policy of attacking peaceful demonstrators in al-Tahrir Square."

"The current government must learn the lesson from what happened to Abdul Mahdi's government and must hold accountable all those who assaulted the demonstrators."

Al-Khalidi called for the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to discuss the attack and what happened in al-Tahrir Square, demanding holding those who shot the demonstrators accountable. 

A protester was killed and 23 others were wounded by security forces' bullets in al-Tahrir Square today. 

Baghdad is witnessing massive demonstrations demanding the prosecution of those responsible for demonstrators' death.