Shafaq News / An informed source said that a meeting will be held this evening, Thursday, between Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and the Shiite political forces to discuss three major issues.

 The source told Shafaq News agency, "Al-Kadhimi will hold a meeting this evening with the heads of Shiite political blocs or their representatives to discuss the situation in the country, what happened in Dhi Qar Governorate and the frequent attacks on diplomatic missions and the Green Zone".

 He added, "Al-Kadhimi will ask the Shiite forces during the meeting to support the government in restricting the arms to the hands of the state in order to create the appropriate atmosphere for early elections".

 On Monday, 9/21/2020, a meeting of the presidents of the republic, the government, the Council of Representatives, the Supreme Judicial Council and most of the leaders of the political blocs were held in the Government Palace in Baghdad.

A statement by Al-Kadhimi's office said that during the meeting, frank and comprehensive discussion took place on the latest security and political developments at the national, regional and international levels, as well as the federal budget. The meeting focused on the importance of holding early parliamentary elections according to the international standards.

 The meeting also stressed the need to expedite the vote on the new election law in its complete final form and the urgent completion of the quorum for membership of the Federal Court.