Shafaq News / Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi pledged on Thursday to meet all the needs of the Yazidis and to work hard to return them to their homes.

This came in a statement issued by his office, added that Al-Kadhimi "met during his visit of the Qadia camp

the displaced families and listen to their problems and suffering.”

 This camp is inhabited by about 3 thousand families of Yazidi Kurds who were displaced from the Sinjar district, especially from the village of Kojo, the birthplace of the Yezidi activist Nadia Murad, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018."

Al-Kadhimi promised to meet all the needs of the displaced people in Qadia camp and the rest of the camps, stressing the government's keenness to work hard to return them to their areas, and to provide the appropriate conditions for stability.

The Iraqi Prime Minister stressed that his visit to the Kurdistan Region comes within the framework of making efforts to integrate between the federal government and the regional government in all areas, including the activation of work at the border crossings.

He pointed out that one of the priorities of this government’s work is to remove all obstacles that forbid the development of the trade exchange process.

Al-Kadhimi’s visit to the Region, on Thursday, began in Erbil, where he met the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani and the head of the regional government, Masrour Barzani.