Shafaq News / A leader in the Al-Fatah coalition, led by Hadi Al-Amiri, stated on Wednesday that the decision of normalizing the relations with Israel is the responsibility of the Iraqi parliament and not Al-Kadhimi's government.

While he did not rule out the possibility that Al-Kadhimi and his accompanying delegation had discussed the issue of normalization with Israel in the British capital, London, he indicated that this issue will face parliamentary rejection if the Iraqi government decides to proceed with normalization.

A prominent Iraqi politician, who is close to the US administration, Mithal Al-Alusi, revealed to Shafaq News Agency on Monday (19 October 2020) that the Iraqi government delegation discussed the issue of "normalization" between Baghdad and Tel Aviv in the European tour, which he started on Sunday, and includes both Paris, Berlin and London.

Leader in the Al-Fatah Alliance, Muin Al-Kadhimi, told Shafaq News agency, "The issue of normalizing relations between Iraq and Israel is not a decision to be taken by the Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi and the Iraqi government in general. It is, however, a decision of the Council of representatives. This issue is within the authority of the Council of representatives and it will face a huge rejection if the Al-Kadhimi government intends to".

The MP of Al-Fatah stated, "Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government discussing the issue of normalization between Baghdad and Tel Aviv in his visit to London is currently very possible. There may be meetings in this regard in London in a closed room, especially since the Al-Kadhimi's government orientations are identical to the American trends".

The leader of Al-Fatah Alliance stressed, "the necessity of hosting the delegation of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government in the Iraqi parliament, upon his return, to stand upon the truth regarding the discussions that he might held in London on the normalization between Iraq and Israel".