Shafaq News / On Saturday, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi decided to establish two monuments to commemorate the popular protests. 

"We will erect the October monument in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, and the martyrs' monument in Nasiriya (the center of Dhi Qar governorate), which is a tribute to Iraq and the martyrs," Al-Kadhimi said in a brief statement provided by his media office.

The Iraqi popular protests began in October 2019 and toppled the previous government headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi. 

According to government Data, 565 demonstrators and security personnel were killed during the protests, including dozens of activists who were assassinated by unknown persons. 

Al-Kadhimi’s government has pledged to prosecute those involved in the killing of protesters and activists, but no accused has been tried so far.