Shafaq News/ Iraq's caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Thursday that his government cannot fulfill its full potential without a budget, urging the Iraqi political forces to resolve their differences to help the country recover.

"We started with this government together by facing significant economic, security, political, and health challenges, and we took those challenges," al-Kadhimi said, "nearly two and a half years later, we are still working on overcoming all obstacles in very complex circumstances."

"Iraq is facing a real political problem in the post-election period, which needs a solution, and the solution requires dialogue, wisdom, and sacrifice, as Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) sacrificed his life for the sake of justice, values, and religion."

"Political leaders are required to make sacrifices for the sake of the homeland and the sake of our children," he added.

"The challenges we face are reflected in the performance of the government and all Iraqi state institutions. This government spent 28 months, and, unfortunately, during this period, there was only a federal budget for six months, so how could the state operate without a budget?"

"We are going through a difficult period, and with all this, we have worked to overcome many problems. There were delayed or failed projects that had been planned for many years, and we worked to revive them and turn them into opportunities for success. Rebuilding hospitals and other projects related to electricity, oil, gas, and alternative energy; But without a budget, people's livelihoods will be impacted."

"We are in the eighth month of 2022, and there is no budget. The problem is not the government but the existing political situation. How do we build schools, pave roads, and implement projects without political consensus on forming a government or finding a solution to the political deadlock?"

"The budget issue is a very serious matter; we have an excellent financial abundance and need to invest it in rebuilding the infrastructure and achieving the demands of our great people. The Iraqis deserve to see their country preserve its citizens' dignity and wish to see their children in good schools, roads, and effective government institutions."

"We have been late for 17 years, and now we have a chance, and this government stood at the same distance from all parties and focused on the technical side more than the political side. That is why I say: We stand in the middle of the road and at the same distance from everyone; Therefore, I hope the political blocs will support this government to accomplish its mission."

"We have provided funds for electricity and health projects and delayed projects. People expect a lot from us, which is their right to demand from the government. We must work with all our power to help our children."

"Dialogue is the only solution to our problems, and we have no other choice. As for resorting to escalation by using social media and spreading notions of chaos and frustration among people, this will not help build a modern democratic experience. We are a young democracy and need to act with wisdom and reason."

"The citizens should know that every day passes without finding a solution to the political deadlock, the government's performance is restricted, and the government is in a situation where it is difficult to carry out its duties."

"The work of a caretaker government, according to the constitution, is supposed to be associated with a short period and not to stay for nine months without forming a new government, and it is unreasonable for the government to remain tied. The constitutional deadlines have been exceeded, and we are required to stay as a caretaker government; This is not possible."

"The political blocs must cooperate with the government to find a solution to the budget issue. We are ready to help and perform our role as an executive authority in accordance with the law."

"We have accepted the challenge in the past and are ready now as well. We worked calmly and tolerated injustice and slander and all the rumors that tried to take away the resolve of the ministers and the government; For Iraq and the Iraqis."

"We have accepted the challenge in the past and are ready now as well. We worked calmly and tolerated injustice and slander and all the rumors that tried to take away the resolve of the ministers and the government; For Iraq and the Iraqis."

"We have accepted the responsibility to prevent people's bloodshed. We came in such difficult circumstances and despite the absence of all the ingredients for success, thank God the government succeeded in a short period of time, making achievements a government would achieve in two terms. We have the ability to continue serving our people, but there must be real political support for the government rather than political disagreements. Some parties always direct the conflict towards the government, and the government has nothing to do with it, as we are not a party in that political conflict."

"We went through an ordeal during the past two or three weeks, and, thank God, the crisis was dealt with calmly; and we succeeded in preventing Iraqi bloodshed on Iraqi soil, and we will continue with this approach."

"Whoever thinks that this government is working to create tension in the political atmosphere is mistaken. We have said since the first day: We are ready to hand over power to any elected government, and at the moment when the political blocs agree, we are ready. The talk about the government or the Prime Minister working to obstruct the formation of the government or the political solution is nothing but nonsense. Who would accept to stay in these difficult circumstances?"

"It is not about the position but about a success story. Either we are successful and accept the challenge, or the political blocs have to accept doing their part to find a solution to the political deadlock. For us to move towards a bright Iraq with an opportunity for hope, we must be optimistic, and there is no solution without dialogue."

"I mentioned yesterday, a week ago, and I repeat it now: A thousand years of dialogue is better than a single moment in which Iraqis collide."

"Iraqi blood is precious, and our people have suffered a lot over the past 70 years. Therefore, we must not perpetuate the culture of destroying ourselves and destroying the historical opportunity. Today, Iraq may be in an advanced position, with capabilities, wealth, and financial abundance that help us build our country. During the two years, we succeeded in restoring our relations with all world countries. Iraq became a point of meeting and integrating with others to serve our people and the region's people."

"We presented an initiative that was approved by most of the political blocs, and we are still working on creating an opportunity for dialogue. We must preserve our democratic system and correct if there are wrong courses or paragraphs in the constitution. Correction or change must be agreed upon by all the Iraqi people."