Shafaq News / The Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Mohammed al-Halboosi, called on the Security forces not to use violence against the demonstrators in the Green Zone, Baghdad.

Al-Halboosi demanded the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives to stay in the parliament building and be in touch with the demonstrators, and instructed the health center team to remain alert in anticipation of any emergency.

Shafaq News Agency correspondents reported exclusive photos and videos of the demonstrations against the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani for prime minister.

Most of the demonstrators are supporters of the Sadrist Movement, with the participation of other opposition parties.

The demonstrators were chanting for Muqtada al-Sadr.

Shafaq News Agency followed the demonstrators, who arrived at the gates of the heavily-fortified Green Zone, and hundreds of them stormed the Iraqi parliament building.

In response, security forces fired tear gas to disperse them.

The Iraqi forces also shot fire intensively, which injured some demonstrators.