Shafaq News/ The Chairman of al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) Authority, Falih al-Fayyadh, received the Co-Present of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Bafel Talabani, and his accompanying delegation.

A readout issued by the PMF authority said that al-Fayyadh praised the profound linkage between the components of the Iraqi nation that made sacrifices and offered blood to curb the terror of ISIS and liberate Iraqi cities and territories.

The attendees stressed upon holding the elections as scheduled amid an "appropriate security atmosphere" and "high transparency" to meet the "demands and the aspirations via ballots boxes".

The meeting laid emphasis upon "bolstering the cooperation and coordination with the Peshmerga forces in the interface areas to prevent ISIS remnants exploiting the security gaps to target the security forces or jeopardize the security and stability in the cities."

The chairman of the PMF authority denounced the attacks that targeted the Peshmerga forces, in reference to the assaults recently waged by the Kurdistan Workers Party fighters on the Peshmerga forces.