Shafaq News / The leader of the al-Fath Coalition Hadi al-Amiri, called on Iraq to play its role in defining an Arab Islamic project for the “liberation of Palestine”, requesting that the Iraqi government allows for donations to be directed at supporting the Palestinian people. 

During the first International Conference on Supporting Palestinian Resistance that took place in Baghdad, al-Amiri said, “Iraq plays a major role in the Arab and Islamic world, and in the region.” The letdowns, retreats and internal conflicts that we are witnessing in the region, as well as the normalization with the Zionist entity and a shameful “Deal of the Century”, are a natural result of the absence of Iraq from the region due to the absurd wars waged by the previous regime and the unjust economic blockade imposed on the Iraqi people during the 90s, as well as the abominable American occupation of Iraq and the violence and sectarian strife that ensued, and the raging terrorism that plagued Iraq either at the hands of al-Qaeda or at the hands of ISIS.”

He added, “Now that, by the grace of Allah, Iraq has shed these burdens, it must return with force and pride, with its united land and people, to fulfill its natural and historical role in the region, and spearhead the campaign to lead the Palestinian people to victory and free Jerusalem from the grip of the hateful Zionist entity.”