Shafaq News/ The leader of al-Fatah alliance, Hadi al-Ameri, lambasted the "conspiracies" plotting to "dissolve" or "merge" al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces-PMF) into other security agencies and demanded equipping the Iraqi army with aerial defense weaponry.

In a speech he delivered before a public gathering of al-Fatah proponents ahead of the parliamentary elections, al-Ameri said, "there are conspiracies to dissolve the PMF or merge it into another security agency. We will not allow this."

"The PMF will stay. Its mission is to maintain Iraq's sovereignty and aim other security agencies," he added.

The leader of the Badr organization demanded equipping the army with "proper defense weaponry, aircraft, and all sorts of arms."

"Al-Fatah is keen to build the state security and military institutions and an integrated army."

"Iraqi people need a firm will to address its problems in all the fields. Activating the private sector and agriculture is also vita," he elaborated.