Shafaq News/ The head of al-Fatah bloc, Hadi al-Ameri, cast doubts on the failed assassination attempt against the Iraqi caretaker Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, calling for a transparent investigation into the circumstances of the incident.

In a speech he delivered in the Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis center in Baghdad, al-Ameri said, "some parties are paying money to ignite a Shiite-Shiite conflict. This will definitely not happen as long as the religious authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, and the Shiite leaders, in general, are rational and wise."

"Our battle is with the enemies and ISIS, to liberate the land and achieve full national sovereignty." 

"We talked with the security commands in a private meeting that the Prime Minister, Speaker of the Parliament, and the President of the Republic. We demand holding a transparent investigation and bringing whoever perpetrated this deed to justice. This issue should never be wrapped up."

"However, did this incident take place or did not? Is the drone attack real or not? I, Hadi al-Ameri, will be the most committed person to reveal the perpetrators and bring them to justice." 

"The premiership is a Shiite position. There is no sane Shiite person who might attack it. The enemies might have done it. For this reason, we insist on starting an investigation." 

"We, and the brothers in the factions, asserted to the Prime Minister our rejection for this deed and the need to hold accountable whoever had done it."

Al-Kadhimi survived an assassination attempt with explosive-laden drones that targeted his residence last Sunday, and officials said he was unharmed. The attack was a major escalation amid tensions sparked by the refusal of Iran-backed armed groups to recognize last month’s parliamentary election results.